The core idea behind the amazing javascript library D3 is about creating data driven documents. The lead developer is a technical wizard at New York Times, creating amazing interactive visualisations for breaking news stories.
Some of the most recent visualisations he has done:
Some of the most recent visualisations he has done:
- Oscar connections
- Tracking change in voting
- How states have shifted over the decades
- The wealth and health of nations
- Will it shuffle?
I've been using the d3 library at work for a number of projects over the last year. From real time monitoring of test equipment, plotting and interacting with simulations, to creating a SVG model of a wheelchair remote, interacting with it using your finger on an iPad. I did something similar after returning from KiwiPyCon last year with a bluetooth remote controlled car - driven from a basic d3 powered website! Obviously its not just a nice javascript library that has allowed all this - Websockets and some server side Python has also been instrumental for me.
I've also been using d3 to make mock up interfaces for our tools, and to create dashboards to summarize changing data.
Although I can't use it here on I recommend you take a look at it: