So thought I would make a really simple example of how pygame can be used with a webcam. This example uses opencv to detect a face, then pygame to draw a "hat". #!/usr/bin/python from pycam import VideoCapturePlayer from pycam import pygameFaceDetect import pygame from pygame.locals import * def process(surf): faces = pygameFaceDetect.getFaces(surf) if faces: s = pygameFaceDetect.faceDetect.image_scale for face in faces: pointsInHat = [ (face.x*s, face.y*s), (face.x*s + face.width*s, face.y*s), (face.x*s + face.width*s/2, face.y*s - face.height*s/2 ) ] pygame.draw.polygon(surf, Color("red"), pointsInHat) pygame.draw.polygon(surf, Color("black"), pointsInHat, 10) return surf if __name__ == "__main__": vcp = VideoCapturePlayer(processFunction=process) vcp.main() pygame.quit() And the obligatory screen shot: ...
Ramblings about developing software. May contain traces of Java, Python, Scala, Typescript.