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My Final Year Project working in the HIT lab

Well it looks like I got my first choice for final year projects, Sweet!

Project: Robust Low Cost Eye Tracking.

The HIT Lab NZ is interested in developing hardware and software for a robust low cost eye tracker that could be used for computer interfaces that respond to eye gaze. The hardware should be a head worn camera with Infra Red LED that shines in the eye and detects the reflection. Simple image processing software can then be used to detect the point of maximum reflection and so track the eye gaze point.

The hit lab already has an early working version of this, the goal of this project is to explore alternative hardware designs and develop more robust software to work with the hardware. Work can be based on the OpenEyes platform.

If there is sufficient time - an application showing how eye gaze could be used in a computer interface.

Could have my work cut out for me this year!

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