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Showing posts from November, 2015

Single Server Web App Deployment

Deploying small web applications can take up more time than creating the application itself, for this reason I've put together this small guide to document how I go about deploying applications. I've used this method for things like small business sites, demo sites and application prototypes. Although we will go through a Python Flask application the same method would apply to other micro web apps. The final running application will have a few moving parts, here is how it will handle two incoming requests: Our final implementation will comprise three Docker containers: - Our frontend reverse proxy server - nginx - Our WSGI server Gunicorn and application server Flask - An example ancillary service - a redis cache To follow along grab the code from In this post we’ll create a small standalone flask application that uses redis for a cache. The same deployment method works for applications that require services like mem...

Markdown Editor Component for Angular2

Thought I'd share a component I've been hacking on for angular2: a syntax highlighted markdown editor with rendered preview. The code including a basic example is available on github . Because Angular2 hasn't yet been released this is really just me kicking the tyres. This component relies on two libraries: -  marked  for rendering markdown as html - and  ace editor  for editing markdown Basic Usage Example Add to your html template: < markdown-editor ( save )= "updatedText($event)" [ initial-text ]= "markdownContent" > </ markdown-editor > Remember to include the Markdown directive in your @Component annotation: @Component ({ selector: 'about' , directives: [ CORE_DIRECTIVES , Markdown ] }) Another Example You can also control the component with external ui: < button ( click )= "md.editMode = true" > Custom Edit Button </ button > < markdown-editor [ init...